Taurus Software

Measures for Ecomedate


Modification Date Case Number Description of Change Affected BQY File Affected SQL Server Version? Affected Oracle Version?
6/24/2011 21266 Add customer email and phone number to drilldown fields Back orders.bqy Y Y
6/24/2011 21307 Renamed the 'date' field to 'ship or return date' in the Orders and Returns query section Net Sales by Ship-To State.bqy Y Y
7/6/2011 21331 Replaces Sales by Product Ship Job with correct .bqy file Sales by Product Id Ship Job.bqy Y Y
7/7/2011 21267 Add customer email, address and phone number to drilldown fields Back orders by vendor and buyer.bqy Y Y
7/15/2011 21301 Add some offer and use related fields to be available for drill down including offer name, use name, mail date, start date, and qty mailed. Net Product Sales Analysis NEW.bqy Y Y
7/15/2011 21274 Add return reason information to drilldown fields Net Product Sales Analysis NEW.bqy Y Y
7/19/2011 21261 Add a filter to the selection criteria to allow user to enter a list of item numbers, separated by commas. Changed physical tables names to use view names. Item Summary Sales NEW.bqy Y Y
7/20/2011 21262 Add a filter to the selection criteria to allow user to enter a list of item numbers, separated by commas Demand vs Shipped Sales NEW.bqy Y Y
7/21/2011 21263 Add a filter to the selection criteria to allow user to enter a list of item numbers, separated by commas Sales versus Returns Analysis NEW.bqy Y Y
12/8/2011 18863 Added missing cust_edp_id sort in Orders Query section Repeat Buyer Analysis.bqy Y Y
1/25/2012 21844 Change code to populate date drop down list for year in the past 15 years Obsolete Inventory.bqy Y Y
1/30/2012 21488 Modified query so that it only returns the item once even if the item is on two different items in a purchase order Back orders by vendor and buyer.bqy Y Y
1/30/2012 21399 Modified query so that it only returns the item once even if the item is on two different items in a purchase order Back orders.bqy Y Y
1/30/2012 21919 Changed version specific vendor and vendor-items table names to database view names Inventory Position Analysis.bqy Y Y
2/10/2012 22241 Removed queries: Open Orders by Item.bqy from product and Open Orders by Item-job.bqy Open Orders by Item.bqy, Open Orders by Item-job.bqy Y Y
3/6/2012 22698 Changed limit from PURCH_ORD_ITM_STA_LGCY_CD to PO_ITM_STA_LGCY_CD Open purchase orders.bqy Y Y
3/19/2012 22698 Changed limit to use physical field PO_ITM_STA_LGCY_CD Expected Weekly Po Receipts.bqy Y Y
3/28/2012 22854 Pulling First Rec Date now from PO Rec table Open purchase orders.bqy Y Y
5/17/2012 23066 Change data function of "Unit Cost" to "Minimum" on report sections so the unit cost isn't summed up. Inventory Adjustments.bqy Y Y