Taurus Software
Manage Metrix ManageECO
File Name | Change Date | Case Number | Description | Affected Field |
DATA.xls | 2/29/2012 | 22524 | Add sample data file for mgc_vendor_compliance_issues | vendorcomplianceissues_data.csv |
DATA.xls | 3/19/2012 | 22781 | Add sample data file for mgm_active_bohistory_dt | mgm_active_bohistory_dt_data.csv |
MACROS.xls | 2/28/2012 | 22669 | Add new macros: cntln, oneln, dts. Used in mgc_po_receipts |   |
MACROS.xls | 3/8/2012 | 22722 | Add new macros to help with customization. For sku table: mm_sku_class, mm_sku_category, mm_sku_subcategory, mm_sku_department, mm_sku_countryoforign, mm_sku_importeditemcd,mm_sku_privatelabelcd, mm_sku_newproductcd, mm_sku_dropshipind, mm_sku_coreproductind, mm_sku_includeininvind, mm_sku_includeinmerind, mm_sku_includeinmktind, mm_sku_includeinfinind |   |
MACROS.xls | 3/8/2012 | 22722 | Add new macros to help with customization. For offer table: mm_ofr_brand, mm_ofr_channel, mm_ofr_spotlighting, mm_ofr_marketinggoal,mm_ofr_event, mm_ofr_appliesto, mm_ofr_messagetobuy |   |
MACROS.xls | 3/22/2012 | 22810 | Add new macros for controlling approximate backorder table: mm_cbo and mm_cbo_cutoffdate |   |
MACROS.xls | 4/13/2012 | 22959 | Add new macros for additional items in mgc_sku | MM_SKU_COLORATTRIBUTE, MM_SKU_SIZEATTRIBUTE, MM_SKU_OTHERATTRIBUTE, MM_SKU_BUYER, MM_SKU_MERCHANDISER |
MGA.xls | 2/10/2012 | 22504 | Modified selection criteria to exclude source_cd = $null | mga_rtn_by_day_by_source, mga_rtn_by_day_offer_sku, mga_rtn_by_fp_by_sku, mga_rtn_by_fp_offer_sku, mga_rtn_by_source |
MGC.xls | 2/14/2012 | 22583 | Correct mappings options in mgc_backorder_history table | mgc_back_order_history |
MGC.xls | 2/14/2012 | 22531 | Change the number of days from 3 to 5 to be considered a backorder | mgc_back_order_history |
MGC.xls | 2/14/2012 | 21864 | Correct index defintions on mgc_back_order_history table | mgc_back_order_history |
MGC.xls | 2/15/2012 | 22586 | Add new table for keeping track of order header records per order number | mgc_order_cnt |
MGC.xls | 2/15/2012 | 22586 | Add selection criteria for mgc_order_header to select only order number whose order header count = 1 | mgc_order_header |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20006 | Add new table to MM for po receipts | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20019 | Add new table to MM for return to vendor information | mgc_rtv |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20012 | Add new table to MM for vendor master information | mgc_vendor |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 22540 | Changed purch_ord_ln_nr to decimal field | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20463 | Remove time from receipt_dt | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20575 | Change expression for purch_ord_ln_nr by change second lookup to min to avoid duplicate rows | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20235 | Change cost_amt to unit_cost amt in mgc_po_receipts | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20468 | Add vendor_nbr field into mgc_po_receipts | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20086 | Remove vendor_ prefix from name and address fields | mgc_vendor |
MGC.xls | 2/16/2012 | 20085 | Add extended_cost_amt field into mgc_po_receipts | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/28/2012 | 22669 | Modify purch_ord_ln_nr to use new macros: oneln, cntln, dts | mgc_po_receipts |
MGC.xls | 2/28/2012 | 22668 | Modify expression to handle blank vend_cd | mgc_po_receipts, mgc_vendor, mgc_vendor_sku, mgc_rtv, mgc_po_lines |
MGC.xls | 2/28/2012 | 21305 | Change data type of purch_ord_ln_nr to decimal and change expression to yield decimal field | mgc_po_lines |
MGC.xls | 2/28/2012 | 21183 | Open_qty expression changed to only be populated if status = 'OP', 'RO', 'PR' and tot_to_be_rec_qty > 0 | mgc_po_lines |
MGC.xls | 2/28/2012 | 20279 | Change mgc_vendor_compliance_issues to be at vendor level only | mgc_vendor_compliance_issues |
MGC.xls | 2/29/2012 | 22239 | Change inventory_receive_dt to allow nulls | mgc_inv_by_month |
MGC.xls | 2/29/2012 | 20860 | Build hybrid approach for backorder history which allows those clients who have implemented bo_history in Ecomedate to use that data along with historical data load for records not in bo_history | mgc_back_order_history, mgc_back_order_history_2 |
MGC.xls | 3/8/2012 | 22722 | Modify expression for product hierarchy, core attributes, and include in module indicators to use macros | mgc_sku |
MGC.xls | 3/8/2012 | 22722 | Modified expression for brand, channel, and standard offer attributes to use macros | mgc_offers |
MGC.xls | 3/22/2012 | 22810 | Add new table to hold approximated back order history data | mgc_circa_back_order_history |
MGC.xls | 3/22/2012 | 20860 | Modified mgc_back_order_history mapping to source from mgc_circa_back_order_history | mgc_back_order_history |
MGC.xls | 3/28/2012 | 22860 | Added folder name to mapping | mgc_po_receipts, mgc_rtv |
MGC.xls | 4/13/2012 | 22958 | Changed mappings to source brand from mgc_offers table | mgc_sources, mgc_order_header |
MGC.xls | 4/13/2012 | 22960 | Use macros for buyer, merchandiser, color_attribute, size_attribute, other_attribute | mgc_sku |
MGF.xls | 4/13/2012 | 22958 | Changed mappings to source brand from mgc_offers | mgf_demand_line_facts, mgf_return_facts, mgf_shipped_line_facts |
MGM.xls | 3/27/2012 | 22833 | Changed source column to reference correct data files for mgm_eco…tables | mgm_eco_xref_item_status, mgm_eco_xref_item_type, mgm_eco_xref_line_status, mgm_eco_xref_mediatype_grp, mgm_eco_xref_offer_channel, mgm_eco_xref_order_status, mgm_eco_xref_po_status, mgm_eco_xref_product_type |