Taurus Software
Maps for CWSerenade
File Name | Change Date | Case Number | Description | Affected Field |
CUST Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Change fetch to be by ID. | 05a_cw_soldto_customer, 05b_cw_soldto_customer_phone, 05c_cw_billto_customer, 05d_cw_soldto_customer_email, 05e_cw_shipto_customer, 05f_cw_shipto_customer_phone |
INV Queue.xls | 12/28/2012 | 22419 | Removed the use of original source fields for retrieval | 07h_cw_item_warehouse |
INV Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Change fetch to be by ID. | 07a_cw_vendor, 07b_cw_vendor_item, 07c_cw_warehouse, 07e_cw_fifo_cost, 07f_inv_trans_history, 07g_inv_trans_cost_detail, 07h_cw_item_warehouse |
INV Queue.xls | 3/1/2013 | 24328 | Remove actual_tm. Change actual_dt to be datetime. | 07f_inv_trans_history |
INV Queue.xls | 3/1/2013 | 24332 | Add indexes for analysis use. | 07b_vendor_item |
Item Queue.xls | 12/18/2012 | 24078 | Add new table to product cw_set_detail sourced from insetd | 02d_cw_set_detail |
Item Queue.xls | 12/18/2012 | 24081 | Add new table to product cw_kit_detail sourced from inkitd | 02e_cw_kit_detail |
Item Queue.xls | 12/27/2012 | 24091 | Add new table to product cw_variable_set_detail sourced from invsdt | 02f_cw_variable_set_detail |
Item Queue.xls | 1/29/2013 | 24185 | Changed LAST_CHG_DT, LAST_EXTRACT_DT, LAST_ECOMM_CHG_DT to allow nulls | 02a_cw_item |
Item Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Change fetch to be by ID. | 02a_cw_item, 02b_cw_item_attribute, 02c_cw_sku |
Item Queue.xls | 3/6/2013 | 24377 | Add new table to product cw_item_attribute_value sourced from inattv | 02g_cw_item_attribute_value |
Item Queue.xls | 3/6/2013 | 24372 | Add new table to product cw_item_attribute_assign sourced from inatra | 02h_cw_item_attribute_assign |
Macros.xls | 12/28/2012 | 24093 | Correct checkchar macro to trim trailing spaces | CHECKCHAR |
Macros.xls | 1/29/2013 | 24189 | Corrected convdt and makedttm to yield correct results | CONVDT, MAKEDTTM |
Macros.xls | 1/29/2013 | 24189 | Removed unneeded macros | CNVCWDATE1, CNVCWDATE2, CNVCWTIME, CNVDATE, CNVDATE6, CNVDATE7, CONVTM, ODBCDTTM |
Macros.xls | 1/29/2013 | 24176 | Modified CHECKCHAR to handle empty strings. Empty strings turn to $null | CHECKCHAR |
MetaData.xls | 12/28/2011 | 22316 | Add table join for cw_order_line_history | metadata_table_joins.csv |
MetaData.xls | 9/24/2012 | 23736 | Add meta data for new table: cw_ref_src_category_lgcy_cd | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 2/7/2013 | 24144 | Add meta data for new table: cw_bo_history | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24298 | Add meta data for new table: cw_ref_ship_via_lgcy_cd | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 2/27/2013 | 24316 | Adjust meta data sequence for table: cw_ref_item_status_lgcy_cd | metadata_columns.csv |
MetaData.xls | 2/28/2013 | 24321 | Add meta data for new table: cw_order_hold_history | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 3/1/2013 | 24331 | Add meta data for new table: cw_po_layering | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 3/4/2013 | 24336 | Correct metadata lookup for field FREIGHT_METHOD_LGCY_CD on CW_SOURCE | metadata_coumns.csv |
MetaData.xls | 3/5/2013 | 24351 | Add new lookups to meta data for: cw_billto_customer | metadata_coumns.csv |
MetaData.xls | 3/6/2013 | 24360 | Add metadata lookup for TAX_EXEMPT_LGCY_CD on CW_ORDER_SHIPTO | metadata_coumns.csv |
MetaData.xls | 3/7/2013 | 24384 | Add meta data for new table: cw_item_attribute_value | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
Offer Queue.xls | 9/24/2012 | 23736 | Add new source table: MSSCAT | 03e_cw_ref_src_category_lgcy_cd |
Offer Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Change fetch to be by ID. | 03a_cw_offer, 03b_source, 03c_cw_offer_item_price, 03d_cw_offer_item |
Order Queue.xls | 11/16/2012 | 23996 | Add new source table: oepaym | 04h_cw_order_payment_method |
Order Queue.xls | 11/27/2012 | 24101 | Add new source table: oeothi | 04i_cw_order_tx_history, 04i_cw_order_hold_history, 04i_cw_order_rlse_history |
Order Queue.xls | 12/28/2012 | 22418 | Add sequence number to unique identifier | 04f_cw_invoice_lines |
Order Queue.xls | 1/21/2013 | 24103 | Add new column to hold backorder quantity | 04b_order_lines |
Order Queue.xls | 2/15/2013 | 24263 | Change expression to put ~ for value of order_line_status_lgcy_cd when space | 04a_cw_order_header, 04b_cw_order_lines, 04c_cw_order_shipto |
Order Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Change fetch to be by ID. | 04a_cw_order_header, 04b_cw_order_lines, 04c_cw_order_shipto, 04d_cw_order_shipto_addr, 04g_cw_order_line_history |
Order Queue.xls | 3/5/2013 | 24353 | Add new index to support analytics | 04f_cw_invoice_lines |
Order Queue.xls | 3/6/2013 | 24349 | Change column name from ADDITIONAL_CHARGE_CD to ADDITIONAL_CHARGE_LGCY_CD on CW_ORDER_LINES | 04b_cw_order_lines |
Order Queue.xls | 3/6/2013 | 24187 | Change expression for DELIVERY_PROVIDER to use checkchar | 04g_cw_order_line_history |
ORDO Queue.xls | 1/22/2013 | 24148 | Add new table to product | 06d_cw_pick_ctrl_hdr |
ORDO Queue.xls | 1/29/2013 | 24176 | Change data type for TGT_SYS_TRANS_DT in cw_return_lines | 06b_cw_return_lines |
ORDO Queue.xls | 1/29/2013 | 24150 | Add new table to product | 06e_cw_pick_ctrl_dtl |
ORDO Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Change fetch to be by ID. | 06a_cw_return_hdr, 06b_cw_return_lines, 06c_cw_return_exchg |
PO Queue.xls | 2/7/2013 | 24221 | Add new source table: polayr | 08G_PO_LAYERING |
PO Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Change fetch to be by ID. | 08A_PO_HEADER, 08b_po_detail, 08c_po_detail_ds, 08d_po_receipt_hdr, 08e_po_receipt, 08f_po_receipt_loc |
SETUP Queue.xls | 9/20/2012 | 23728 | Add new source table MSSHPV | 01n_cw_ref_ship_via_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 9/20/2012 | 23734 | Add new source table OEOHRE | 01o_cw_ref_order_hold_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 9/25/2012 | 23994 | Add new source table OEPAYT | 01p_cw_ref_pay_type_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 11/28/2012 | 24022 | Added new column containing code and its description to reference tables | 01a_cw_ref_cancel_reason_lgcy_cd, 01b_cw_ref_customer_class_lgcy_cd, 01c_cw_ref_exchg_return_reason_lgcy_cd, 01d_cw_ref_item_category_lgcy_cd, 01e_ref_item_status_lgcy_cd, 01f_cw_ref_order_type_lgcy_cd, 01g_cw_ref_return_reason_lgcy_cd, 01h_cw_ref_item_tr |
SETUP Queue.xls | 12/28/2012 | 24096 | Add new source table MSCTLV | 01q_cw_system_controls |
SETUP Queue.xls | 2/21/2013 | 24291 | Add new source table INLCLS | 01r_cw_ref_location_class_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 2/25/2013 | 24306 | Changed how records are retrieved in propagation. | All mappings |
SETUP Queue.xls | 3/4/2013 | 24337 | Correct SQL column name in CW_REF_PAY_TYPE_LGCY_CD | 01p_cw_ref_pay_type_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 9/20/2012 | 23730 | Add new reference table | 09v_cw_ref_ship_type_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 11/19/2012 | 24037 | Add new reference table for payment categories | 09w_cw_ref_pay_category_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 11/28/2012 | 24022 | Added new column to reference tables to hold code and its description | 09a_cw_ref_backorder_reason_lgcy_cd, 09b_cw_ref_delivery_lgcy_cd, 09c_cw_ref_discount_applied_lgcy_cd, 09d_cw_ref_email_status_lgcy_cd, 09e_cw_freight_method_lgcy_cd, 09f_cw_ref_mail_type_lgcy_cd, 09g_cw_ref_order_line_status_lgcy_cd, 09h_cw_ref_order_shipto_status_lgcy_cd, 09i_cw_ref_order_status_lgcy_cd, 09j_cw_ref_price_method_lgcy_cd, 09k_tax_exempt_lgcy_cd, 09l_cw_ref_upsell_type_lgcy_cd, 09m_cw_ref_phone_type_lgcy_cd, 09n_cw_ref_drop_ship_pick_lgcy_cd, 09o_cw_ref_create_source_lgcy_cd, 09p_cw_ref_po_status_lgcy_cd, 09q_cw_ref_generate_lgcy_cd, 09r_cw_online_auth_status_lgcy_cd, 09s_cw_vnd_price_method_lgcy_cd, 09t_cw_ref_dropship_po_status_lgcy_cd, 09v_cw_ref_ship_type_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 11/29/2012 | 24022 | Added new column to reference tables to hold code and its description | 09w_cw_ref_pay_category_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 12/3/2012 | 24098 | Add new reference table | 09x_cw_ref_ord_tx_type_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 1/29/2013 | 24168 | Add new reference table | 09y_cw_ref_pick_status_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 2/15/2013 | 24263 | Remove value from data file for the code value of space. Space meant none. | backorder_reason_cds.csv, discount_applied_cds.csv, drop_ship_pick_cds.csv, generate_refund_cds.csv, mail_type_cds.csv, price_method_cds.csv, upsell_type_cds.csv |
Static Queue.xls | 2/15/2013 | 24263 | Change Open code value from space to tilda (" " to ~) | line_status_cds.csv, order_shipto_cds.csv, order_status_cds.csv, pick_status_cds.csv |
Static Queue.xls | 3/6/2013 | 24364 | Change column names on CW_REF_VND_PRICE_METHOD_LGCY_CD | 09s_cw_ref_vnd_price_method_lgcy_cd |
Utilities.xls | 3/7/2013 |   | Updated reconcillation and cleanup scripts to include newly added tables. | ITEM_RefreshCounts.txt, OFFER_RefreshCounts.txt, ORD_RefreshCounts.txt, ORDO_RefreshCounts.txt, PO_RefreshCounts.txt, SETUP_RefreshCounts.txt, PurgeCWSMapsITEM.wh, PurgeCWSMapsOFFER.wh, PurgeCWSMapsORD.wh, PurgeCWSMapsORDO.wh, PurgeCWSMapsPO.wh, PurgeCWSMapsSETUP.wh |