Taurus Software
Maps for CWSerenade
File Name | Change Date | Case Number | Description | Affected Field |
Documentation.xls | 5/8/2013 | 24543 | Updated roadmap to add new source table: INILOC | Maps for CWSerenade Roadmap.xls |
Documentation.xls | 5/9/2013 | 24605 | Updated roadmap to add new source table: APTERM | Maps for CWSerenade Roadmap.xls |
Documentation.xls | 5/13/2013 | 24614 | Updated roadmap to reflect table name change from cw_ref_vnd_price_lgcy_cd to cw_ref_po_price_lgcy_cd | Maps for CWSerenade Roadmap.xls |
Documentation.xls | 5/31/2013 | 24681 | Updated guide to include instructions on creating an .oce file, loading meta data and views | Maps for CWSerenade Guide.doc |
Documentation.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24766 | Updated roadmap to reflect table name changes for static table which exceed 30 character names | Maps for CWSerenade Roadmap.xls |
INV Queue.xls | 4/23/2013 | 24543 | Add new source table iniloc | 07i_item_warehouse |
INV Queue.xls | 5/8/2013 | 24600 | Remove checkchar from SKU | 07b_vendor_item, 07g_inv_trans_cost_detail |
INV Queue.xls | 5/8/2013 | 24601 | Add new column VENDOR which contains vendor number concatenated with vendor name | 07a_vendor |
INV Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add new index to cw_vendor for vendor_nbr (ix_mcw_vendor_vendor) | 07a_vendor |
INV Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add new indexs to cw_item_warehouse: ix_mcw_itemloc_coitemsku (composite index co_cd, item, sku), | 07i_item_warehouse |
INV Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24765 | Changed column name from UPLOAD_HANDLING_DOLLAR_LIMIT_AMT to UPLOAD_DOLLAR_LIMIT_AMT to conform with Oracle column length requirements | 07b_vendor_item |
INV Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24783 | Add index: ix_mcw_cw_vendor_vendor on the column vendor to support analysis | 07a_vendor |
Item Queue.xls | 5/8/2013 | 26000 | Remove checkchar from SKU field | 02d_cw_set_detail, 02e_cw_kit_detail, 02f_cw_variable_set_detail, 02h_cw_item_attribute_assign |
Item Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add index to support analysis: mcw_item_coitemclass(co_cd, item_class_lgcy_cd) | 02a_cw_item |
Item Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add index to support analysis: mcw_sku_coitemstatus (composite index co_cd,item_status_lgcy_cd), mcw_sku_coitemcat (composite index: co_cd, item_category_lgcy_cd) | 02c_sku |
Macros.xls | 6/6/2013 | 24703 | Add new macros to handle parsing of concatenationed purchase order number, sequence number and due date. | GETPO, GETSEQ, DUEDT |
MetaData.xls | 5/9/2013 | 24605, 24601, 24543 | Add meta data for new tables: cw_ref_ap_terms_lgcy_cd, cw_item_warehouse and new column added to cw_vendor | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 5/10/2013 | 24609 | Update table joins data - bring up to current mappings release | metadata_table_joins.csv |
MetaData.xls | 5/13/2013 | 24612 | Changed meta data to reflect name change in table and colum (cw_ref_po_price_method_lgcy_cd) | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 5/14/2013 | 24630 | Updated meta data for new table: cw_ref_buyer_lgcy_cd | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
MetaData.xls | 6/6/2013 | 24703 | Updated meta data for views added to support Open PO Analysis | metadata_columns.csv, metadata_tables.csv |
Offer Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_SRC_CATEGORY_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFSRCCATEGORYLGCYCDID | 03e_cw_ref_src_category_lgcy_cd |
Order Queue.xls | 5/8/2013 | 24600 | Remove checkchar from SKU | 04b_cw_order_lines |
Order Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add index ix_mcw_order_lines_coitemskuboqty (composite index: co_cd, item, sku, backorder_qty) | 04b_cw_order_lines |
ORDO Queue.xls | 5/8/2013 | 24600 | Remove CHECKCHAR from SKU | 06b_cw_return_lines, 06c_cw_retrun_exchg, 06e_cw_pick_ctrl_dtl |
PO Queue.xls | 5/8/2013 | 24600 | Remove CHECKCHAR from SKU | 08b_po_detail, 08g_po_layering |
PO Queue.xls | 5/13/2013 | 24613 | Changed column name from vendor_price_method_lgcy_cd to po_price_method_lgcy_cd | 08b_po_detail |
PO Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add two new indexes to support Open PO analysis: IX_MCW_ITEMSKU_DUE_DT composite index (co_cd, item, sku, due_dt, po_nbr, po_status_lgcy_cd), IX_MCW_PO_STATUS on po_status_lgcy_cd and IX_MCW_PO_DETAIL_ITEM on item | 08b_po_detail |
PO Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add new index IX_MCW_PO_LAYERING_COITEMSKU composite index (co_cd, item, sku) | 08G_PO_LAYERING |
PO Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24782 | Add new index IX_MCW_PO_LAYERING_2 composite index (co_cd, po_nbr, seq_nbr, item, sku, due_dt) | 08G_PO_LAYERING |
SETUP Queue.xls | 5/9/2013 | 24605 | Add new source table APTERM | 01s_cw_ref_ap_term_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 5/10/2013 | 24610 | Update metadata names in CW_REF_AP_TERM_LGCY_CD | 01s_cw_ref_ap_term_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 5/14/2013 | 24630 | Add new source table POBUY | 01s_cw_ref_buyer_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add new index to support analysis: mcw_item_status_lgcy_cd | 01e_cw_ref_item_status_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add new index to support analysis: mcw_item_class_lgcy_cd | 01l_cw_item_class_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 5/29/2013 | 24679 | Add new index to support analysis: mcw_item_category_lgcy_cd | 01d_cw_ref_item_category_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24765 | Change column RETURN_ADDL_FREIGHT_GL_ACCT_NBR to RETURN_ADDLFREIGHT_GL_ACCT_NBR from to fit into Oracle column length requirements | 01k_cw_division |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index names: from IX_CW_REF_CANCEL_REASON_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFCANCELREASONLGCYCDID and from IX_CW_REF_CANCEL_REASON_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFCANCELREASONLGCYCD | 01a_cw_ref_cancel_reason_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index names: from IX_CW_REF_CUSTOMER_CLASS_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFCUSTOMERCLASSLGCYCD and from IX_CW_REF_CUSTOMER_CLASS_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFCUSTOMERCLASSLGCYCDID | 01b_cw_ref_customer_class_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from: IX_CW_REF_EXCHG_REASON_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFEXCHGREASONLGCYCDID | 01c_cw_ref_exchg_reason_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index from: IX_CW_REF_ITEM_CATEGORY_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFITEMCATEGORYLGCYCD and IX_CW_REF_ITEM_CATEGORY_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFITEMCATEGORYLGCYCDID | 01d_cw_ref_item_category_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index from: IX_CW_REF_ITEM_STATUS_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFITEMSTATUSLGCYCDID | 01e_cw_ref_item_status_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from: IX_CW_REF_ORDER_TYPE_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFORDERTYPELGCYCDID | 01f_cw_ref_order_type_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index names from: IX_CW_REF_RETURN_REASON_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFRETURNREASONLGCYCDID and IX_CW_REF_RETURN_REASON_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFRETURNREASONLGCYCD | 01g_cw_ref_return_reason_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_REF_LONG_SKU_CLASS_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFLONGSKUCLASSLGCYCDID | 01i_cw_ref_long_sku_class_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from: IX_CW_REF_ITEM_CLASS_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFITEMCLASSLGCYCDID | 01l_cw_ref_item_class_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_LONG_SKU_DEPT_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFLONGSKUDEPTLGCYCD and from IX_CW_REF_LONG_SKU_DEPT_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFLONGSKUDEPTLGCYCDID | 01m_cw_ref_long_sku_dept_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_ORDER_HOLD_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFORDERHOLDLGCYCDID | 01o_cw_ref_order_hold_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_LOCATION_CLASS_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFLOCATIONCLASSLGCYCD and from IX_CW_REF_LOCATION_CLASS_LGCY_CD_ID to IX_CW_REFLOCATIONCLASSLGCYCDID | 01r_cw_ref_location_class_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 6/27/2013 | 24792 | Correct index definition on CO_CD - change IX_CW_REFLONGSKUCLASS_GCYCD[1] to IX_CW_REFLONGSKUCLASSLGCYCD[1] | 01i_cw_ref_long_sku_class_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 5/13/2013 | 24613 | Renamed table cw_ref_vnd_price_method_lgcy_cd to cw_ref_po_vnd_price_method_lgcy_cd | 09s_cw_ref_po_price_method_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24766 | Renamed table from cw_ref_backorder_reason_lgcy_cd to cw_ref_backorderreason_lgcy_cd | 09a_cw_ref_backorderreason_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24766 | Renamed table from cw_ref_discount_applied_lgcy_cd to cw_ref_discountapplied_lgcy_cd | 09c_cw_ref_discountapplied_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24766 | Renamed table from cw_ref_order_line_status_lgcy_cd to cw_ref_ord_line_status_lgcy_cd | 09g_cw_ref_ord_line_status_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24766 | Renamed table from cw_online_auth_status_lgcy_cd to cw_ref_onlineaut_stat_lgcy_cd | 09r_cw_ref_onlineauth_stat_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/25/2013 | 24766 | Renamed table from cw_ref_dropship_po_stat_lgcy_cd to cw_ref_dropshippo_stat_lgcy_cd | 09t_cw_ref_dropshippo_stat_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_BACKORDER_REASON_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFBACKORDERREASONLGCYCD | 09a_cw_ref_backorderreason_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Changed index name from IX_CW_REF_DISCOUNT_APPLIED_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFDISCOUNTAPPLIEDLGCYCD | 09c_cw_ref_discountapplied_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_ORDER_LINE_STATUS_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFORDERLINESTATUSLGCYCD | 09g_cw_ref_ord_line_status_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_DROP_SHIP_PICK_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFDROPSHIPPICKLGCYCD | 09n_cw_ref_drop_ship_pick_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_GENERATE_REFUND_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFGENERATEREFUNDLGCYCD | 09q_cw_ref_generate_refund_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_ONLINE_AUTH_STATUS_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFONLINEAUTHSTATLGCYCD | 09r_cw_ref_onlineauth_stat_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_ONLINE_AUTH_STATUS_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFONLINEAUTHSTATLGCYCD | 09s_cw_ref_po_price_method_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_DROP_SHIP_PO_STATUS_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFDROPSHIPPOSTATLGCYCD | 09t_cw_ref_dropshippo_stat_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 6/26/2013 | 24791 | Change index name from IX_CW_REF_CREATE_SOURCE_LGCY_CD to IX_CW_REFCREATESOURCELGCYCD | 09o_cw_ref_create_source_lgcy_cd |
Utilities.xls | 5/28/2013 |   | Updated reconcillation and cleanup scripts to include newly added source table INILOC | INV_RefreshCounts.txt, PurgeCWSMapsINV.wh |
VIEWS.xls | 6/6/2013 | 24703 | Add views to support Open PO Analysis | 10A_CWVA_OPENPOS_COITEMSKU, 10A_CWVA_OPENPOS_COITEMSKUTDTPOSEQ |