Taurus Software
Maps for CWSerenade
File Name | Change Date | Case Number | Description | Affected Field |
CUST Queue.xls | 1/15/2014 | 25599 | Change source table name to lowercase | 05a_cw_soldto_customer, 05c_cw_billto_customer, 05d_cw_soldto_customer_email, 05e_cw_shipto_customer, 05f_cw_shipto_customer_phone |
INV Queue.xls | 11/14/2013 | 25405 | Change expression for item to use checkchar | 07e_cw_fifo_cost, 07i_item_location |
INV Queue.xls | 1/8/2014 | 25186 | Add new field added (bscodt) in povend in CWSerenade release 4.0.130411 | 07a_cw_4_vendor |
INV Queue.xls | 1/8/2014 | 25602 | Add new fields added (BASLGR, BAVRNK, BABNTY, BAMXSK) to new mapping for version 4 for location | 07d_cw_4_location |
INV Queue.xls | 1/15/2014 | 25601 | Change source table names to lowercase | 07b_vendor_item, 07c_cw_warehouse, 07d_cw_location, 07e_cw_fifo_cost, 07g_inv_trans_cost_detail, 07h_cw_item_warehouse |
Item Queue.xls | 1/2/2014 | 25544 | Change column name from DEPARTMENT to LONG_SKU_DEPT_LGCY_CD. | 02a_cw_item |
Item Queue.xls | 1/9/2014 | 25079 | Add new source table (itmupc) to product | 02i_cw_item_upc, 02i_cw_4_item_upc |
Item Queue.xls | 1/10/2014 | 25078 | Add new source table (insxr) to product | 02j_cw_sku_xref |
Item Queue.xls | 1/10/2014 | 25077 | Add new source table (skelwf) to product | 02k_cw_sku_element |
Item Queue.xls | 1/13/2014 | 25577 | Change source table name to lowercase | 02b_cw_item_attribute, 02c_cw_sku, 02c_cw_4_sku |
Offer Queue.xls | 1/15/2014 | 25598 | Change source table name to lowercase | 03a_cw_offer, 03b_cw_source, 03c_cw_offer_item_price |
Offer Queue.xls | 2/18/2014 | 25618 | Add field with concatenated code and description | 03e_cw_ref_src_category_lgcy_cd |
Offer Queue.xls | 3/3/2014 | 25776 | Add indexes needed by Merchandise Performance Analysis in mapping | 03a_cw_offer |
Order Queue.xls | 9/27/2013 | 25191 | Changed expression on the backorder_qty to exclude those with a warehouse = 0 | 04b_cw_order_lines |
Order Queue.xls | 12/27/2013 | 25532 | Change the fetch to be only by ID. Change the index for company, order ,sequence to non-unque | 04h_cw_order_payment_method |
Order Queue.xls | 1/7/2014 | 25535 | Add new source table : csinvp | 04i_cw_invoice_payment_method |
Order Queue.xls | 1/7/2014 | 25535 | Add new source table: oeinad | 04j_cw_invoice_address |
Order Queue.xls | 1/9/2014 | 25181 | Add new mapping to support new columns (doprev, doprmt) to oeorst | 04c_cw_4_order_shipto |
Order Queue.xls | 1/10/2014 | 25192 | Change unique index from ID to co_cd, order_nbr, ship_to_nbr, seq_nbr, item, sku_kf, and backorder_dt | 04b_cw_bo_history |
Order Queue.xls | 3/3/2014 | 25776 | Add indexes to support Merchandise Performance Analysis to mapping | 04e_cw_invoice_header |
ORDO Queue.xls | 1/8/2014 | 25183 | Add new mapping to support version 4 changes to return lines. CWSerenade added column: gqrtni to table. | 06b_cw_4_return_lines |
ORDO Queue.xls | 1/8/2014 | 25182 | Add new mapping to support version 4 changes pick control detail. CWSerenade added new column: dxobrn to table. | 06e_cw_4_pick_ctrl_dtl |
ORDO Queue.xls | 3/3/2014 | 25776 | Add indexes needed by Merchandise Performance Analysis to mappings | 06a_cw_return_hdr |
PO Queue.xls | 11/14/2013 | 25405 | Change expression for ITEM to include CHECKCHAR | 08g_cw_po_layering |
PO Queue.xls | 12/4/2013 | 25487 | Change breakout fields to allow NULLS | 08c_cw_po_detail_ds |
PO Queue.xls | 1/14/2014 | 25594 | Changed source table to be lowercase | 08c_cw_po_detail_ds |
SETUP Queue.xls | 12/31/2013 | 25543 | Add new source table: inldvp | 01w_cw_ref_long_sku_div_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/2/2014 | 25547 | Change column DIVISION_CD to LONG_SKU_DIV_LGCY_CD | 01m_cw_ref_long_sku_dept_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/6/2014 | 25184 | Add new mapping for new CWSerenade change to msshpv. CWSerenade adds two new columns: eacarriercode, eacarrierclass. | 01n_cw_4_ref_ship_via_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/7/2014 | 25312 | Changed source table from exrtrs to oeexrs | 01c_cw_ref_exchg_reason_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/7/2014 | 25184 | Add new source table: rtndis | 01x_cw_ref_rtn_dispos_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/10/2014 | 25077 | Add new source table: inskeo | 01y_cw_ref_seo_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/10/2014 | 25077 | Add new source table: inskew | 01z_cw_ref_sew_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/10/2014 | 25077 | Add new source table: insket | 01aa_cw_ref_set_lgcy_cd |
SETUP Queue.xls | 1/13/2014 | 25577 | Change source table name to lowercase | 01a_cw_ref_cancel_reason_lgcy_cd, 01b_cw_ref_customer_class_lgcy_cd, 01d_cw_ref_item_category_lgcy_cd, 01e_cw_ref_item_status_lgcy_cd, 01f_cw_ref_order_type_lgcy_cd, 01g_cw_ref_return_reason_lgcy_cd, 01h_cw_ref_item_trans_lgcy_cd, 01i_cw_ref_long_sku_clas |
SETUP Queue.xls | 3/3/2014 | 25768 | Add mapping option to exclude training companies | 01v_cw_company |
SETUP Queue.xls | 3/3/2014 | 25776 | Add indexes needed to support Merchandise Performance Analysis | 01t_cw_ref_buyer_lgcy_cd, 01i_cw_ref_long_sku_class_lgcy_cd, 01m_cw_ref_long_sku_dept_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 1/6/2014 | 24849 | Changed "Cancelled" to "Canceled" in reference data files | drop_ship_po_status_cds.csv, line_status_cd.csv, order_shipto_status_cds.csv, order_status_cds.csv, po_status_cds.csv |
Static Queue.xls | 1/6/2014 | 24245 | Add entry for O type code in reference data file | order_shipto_status_cds |
Static Queue.xls | 1/7/2014 | 25563 | Add credit card credit status data | 09ah_cw_ref_cc_credit_stat_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 1/7/2014 | 25564 | Add pay option reference data | 09ai_cw_ref_pay_option_lgcy_cd |
Static Queue.xls | 1/9/2014 | 25571 | Add UPC type reference data | 09aj_cw_ref_upc_type_lgcy_cd |
VIEWS.xls | 1/6/2014 | 25184 | Add new view for version 4 cw_4_ref_ship_via_lgcy_cd | 10H_CW_4_REF_SHIP_VIA_LGCY_CD |
VIEWS.xls | 1/8/2014 | 25186 | Add new view for version 4 cw_4_vendor | 10H_CW_4_VENDOR |
VIEWS.xls | 1/8/2014 | 25182 | Add new view for version 4 cw_4_pick_ctrl_dtl | 10H_CW_4_PICK_CTRL_DTL |
VIEWS.xls | 1/8/2014 | 25183 | Add new view for version 4 cw_4_return_lines | 10H_CW_4_RETURN_LINES |
VIEWS.xls | 1/9/2014 | 25181 | Add new view for version 4 cw_4_order_shipto | 10H_CW_4_ORDER_SHIPTO |
VIEWS.xls | 2/1/2014 | 25079 | Add new view for version 4 cw_4_item_upc | 10H_CW_4_ITEM_UPC |