Taurus Software
Maps for SXEnterprise
File Name | Change Date | Case Number | Description | Affected Field |
A_00_Macros.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25335 | Add macro to clean strings | CHECKCHAR |
A_00_Macros.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25335 | Add new macro to check times to see if valid | CHECKTM |
A_00_Macros.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25335 | Add macro to convert codes to proper descriptions for all Ecolumn (eproprosal_type) | ECODES |
A_00_Macros.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25335 | Add macro to combine date type date field and string time field into a datetime field | DTTM |
A_01_SXVIEWS.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25335 | Add views for SX Enterprise database to allows access to fields which don't conform to physical length of fields. | 01_v_apsv, 01_v_arsc, 01_v_arss, 01_v_icsd, 01_v_icsp, 01_v_icsw, 01_v_oeeh, 01_v_oeel, 01_v_poeh, 01_v_poel, 01_v_sasc, 01_v_sasta, 01_v_sastn, 01_v_sasoo, 01_v_smsn |
A_01_SXVIEWS.xls | 12/3/2013 | 25451 | Add view for icss to allow access to fields which don't conform to physical length of field | 01_v_icss |
A_02_STATIC.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25336 | Add static reference tables for coded data that has no SXEnterprise reference table | 02a_sx_ref_txtype_lgcy_cd, 02b_sx_ref_spcknonstock_lgcy_cd, 02c_sx_ref_prod_sub_type_lgcy_cd, 02d_sx_ref_line_status_lgcy_cd, 02e_sx_ref_backorder_type_lgcy_cd, 02f_sx_ref_order_type_lgcy_cd, 02h_sx_ref_order_disposition_lgcy_cd, 02i_sx_ref_order_stage_lgcy_cd, 02j_sx_ref_update_type_lgcy_cd, 02k_sx_ref_tax_default_lgcy_cd, 02l_sx_ref_product_status_lgcy_cd, 02m_sx_ref_kit_type_lgcy_cd, 02n_sx_ref_kit_rollup_type_lgcy_cd, 02o_sx_ref_product_type_lgcy_cd, 02p_sx_ref_period_table, 02q_sx_ref_po_stage_lgcy_cd, 02r_sx_ref_po_txtype_lgcy_cd, 02s_sx_ref_poline_status_lgcy_cd, 02t_sx_ref_price_calc_type_lgcy_cd |
A_02_STATIC.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25462 | Add static reference table for restrict type codes | 02g_sx_ref_restrict_type_lgcy_cd |
A_02_STATIC.xls | 12/3/2013 | 25452 | Add static reference table for electronic po type codes | 02u_sx_ref_elec_po_type_lgcy_cd |
A_04_SETUP.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25364 | Add new source table to product (sastn) | 04b_sx_division, 04b_sx_system_admin_numeric |
A_04_SETUP.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25465 | Add new source table to product (sasc) | 04c_sx_company_master |
A_04_SETUP.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25466 | Add new source table to product (sasta) | 04a_sx_system_admin, 04a_sx_ref_buyer_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_category_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_customer_type_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_price_type_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_sales_terr_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_ship_via_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_uom_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_terms_lgcy_cd, 04a_sx_ref_vendor_type_lgcY_cd |
A_04_SETUP.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25467 | Add new source table to product (smsn) | 04d_sx_sales_rep_master |
A_04_SETUP.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25368 | Add new source table to product (icsd) | 04e_sx_warehouse_master |
A_04_SETUP.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25539 | Add new source table to product (sasoo) | 04f_sx_ref_operator_lgcy_cd |
A_05_ITEM.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25369 | Add new source table (icsd) to product | 05a_sx_product_master |
A_05_ITEM.xls | 12/3/2013 | 25451 | Add new source table (icss) to product | 05b_sx_special_price_costing |
A_06_CUST.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25370 | Add new source table to product (arsc) | 06A_SX_CUSTOMERS |
A_06_CUST.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25371 | Add new source table to product (arss) | 06B_SX_SHIP_TO_CUSTOMERS |
A_07_ORDER.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25348 | Add new source tables to product | 09a_sx_order_header, 09b_sx_order_lines |
A_08_PO.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25382 | Add new source tables to product (apsv, poeh, poel) | 08a_sx_vendor_master, 08b_sx_po_header, 08c_sx_po_lines |
A_09_INV.xls | 10/11/2013 | 25347 | Add new source table (icsw - Warehouse products) to product | 07a_sx_warehouse_products |