Taurus Software

 We Make Data Liquid.      


Databridger Studio / Warehouse Quick-Start Guide

How to use this document

Although this document focuses on the Databridger Studio product, the guidance provided is Warehouse-specific as well. You will want to first read the Document Overview section and then follow the subsequent links to the relevant product or platform sections. The document then concludes with several post-installation topics that may be of use to you.

Document Overview

In order to use the Taurus Databridger Studio product, you will need to install Studio on a Windows system. This step entails first installing the Studio software from a web download and then creating an ODBC Data Source that Studio will use as a repository for its metadata. Follow the links listed below for installing Studio and setting up an ODBC Data Source (DSN).

Once you have completed this installation, you will want to identify the databases that will be used by Studio as sources and targets of the data movement. If all of these databases are local to the Windows system where Studio has been installed, you will not need to install Warehouse.

More likely the databases will be located on one or more remote systems, and you will need to install Warehouse and run the Warehouse Server on all remote systems participating in the data movement. Follow the links listed below for installing Warehouse on the necessary platforms. The installation of the Warehouse product differs from platform to platform. Each link will take you to a platform-specific section that describes  how the installation is performed and how the Warehouse Server program is launched.

The standard and quickest way of obtaining a copy of either Warehouse or Studio is to download the software from the Taurus web site. This site provides the latest customer release version of these products. Consult your Taurus contact for downloading details. Alternatively, Warehouse for MPE and for the supported Unix platforms are available on 4mm DAT tape, Warehouse for Windows is available on floppy disk media, and Databridger Studio is available on CD.

Installing Studio

Setting up an ODBC Data Source for the Studio Repository

Warehouse Installation on MPE/ix

Warehouse Installation on Unix/Linux

Warehouse Installation on Windows NT/2000/XP


Checking Warehouse Server Connections

Warehouse Client-Server Overview

Additional References


Installing Studio

If you have a previous version of Studio installed on your Windows system, go to My Computer->Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs and remove the Databridger entry.

Unzip the Studio distribution to a temporary directory on the Windows system where you plan to install Studio. Then run setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions. By default, Studio installs to the directory C:\Program Files\Taurus\Databridger.

If replacing a previous version of Studio, you'll most likely want to install the new distribution into the same directory as the previous version.

The product demonstration code can be entered in one of two ways. The easiest way is to wait for Studio to prompt you the first time you run the newly-installed product. The second approach is to open a DOS command Window, change directory to the Studio directory, run wh.exe -v, enter 1 at the menu followed by the demonstration code. Studio comes with a full-function copy of the Warehouse Windows Client, wh.exe.  For further information on validation, please click here


Setting up an ODBC Data Source for the Studio Repository

Studio requires a local data base to store its metadata. The following databases have been certified to support a Studio Repository : Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, and Oracle 8i or later. First create the data base and the associated ODBC DSN. We recommend that a Studio Repository be mapped to a System DSN ODBC source.

Once the Repository database has been create or identified, to define an ODBC DSN go to My Computer->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources (ODBC) and Add the new DSN, specifying the product-appropriate ODBC Driver and selecting the name and location of the Repository database. If the ODBC driver has connection-testing capability and asks you if you wish to test the new connection, please do so.

Although all databases listed above are appropriate for Studio Repositories, we recommend using Microsoft Access. This is because a Studio Repository is intended to be used by a single user in a single session and not by multiple simultaneous users or by multiple simultaneous sessions. Microsoft Access not only has a smaller footprint but fewer concurrency options than the more enterprise-capable databases such as Oracle or SQL Server.

It is also strongly recommended that the Repository not contain tables other than those metadata tables created by Studio.

Run the Studio product for the first time, and at the initial pop-up, request that a new Repository be created. Select the ODBC DSN that you have just created from the Select Data Source window. Studio will automatically create the required repository metadata tables in that data source and inform you when this task is completed.



Warehouse Installation on MPE/iX (web download)

On MPE/iX all Warehouse files are installed by default into the WHII group of the TAURUS account. To transfer Warehouse from a workstation to MPE/iX, WRQ's Reflection product is required. If the MPE/iX system is not attached to a network, then tape media will be required. 

1. Start Reflection on PC where the self-extracting file named whii.wrq is located.

2. Logon to the target MPE/iX as MANAGER.SYS,PUB

3. Using Reflection, transfer whii.wrq with the Transfer Type attribute set to Labels.

4. Run the resulting WHII program : RUN WHII

5. The program WHII automatically builds the account TAURUS. When prompted for the TAURUS account password enter an account password of your choosing (it will not be displayed), and enter the same password again for verification, when prompted.

6. When prompted for your Warehouse validation code enter the demonstration validation code provided by your Taurus Support representative.

7. The WHII program then proceeds to restore all Warehouse files. This may take a few minutes. Once the files have been restored, your Warehouse installation will be complete.


MPE/iX Installation Considerations 

The WHII program contains all Warehouse files needed to complete the installation. This program must be run from a user possessing SM (System Manager) capability.

If you are installing Warehouse on several systems, you may find it easier to DSCOPY WHII.PUB.SYS to the other systems, rather than using the tape drive. To complete the installation after moving WHII.PUB.SYS, perform the steps listed above beginning at step 4

If you wish to install Warehouse into an account other than TAURUS, you may run the WHII program with INFO parameter ALTACCT. ( e.g. RUN WHII;INFO="ALTACCT" ). When run with ALTACCT, WHII  prompts you for the name of account into which you wish the Warehouse files are to be installed.

If you should ever need to reinstall Warehouse, the WHII program may be run again to perform the reinstallation.

After the Warehouse installation has been completed, you may purge the WHII program since it is no longer needed.

Warehouse Installation on MPE/iX (tape)


2. Issue a :FILE command for the tape drive:

3. Restore the self-installing program:

4. Mount the Warehouse product tape and put the tape drive ONLINE. Then reply to the tape mount request.

5. After the program TAURUSWH has been restored, dismount the tape and run TAURUSWH:

6. Proceed with steps 5 through 7 listed in the web download instructions above.

Running the Warehouse Client on MPE/iX

The Warehouse Client program on MPE/iX is named WH and resides by default in the group WHII.TAURUS. The Warehouse Client is the tool used to re-validate the Warehouse installation should this ever be required :


For demo validation please select option 1 from the menu and enter your temporary code. For further information on validation, please click here or else consult the Warehouse Reference Manual.

The Warehouse Client can also be used to create and update the Warehouse AUTHFILE :


Since tuning the AUTHFILE is often an iterative process and your objective is to first get the software up and running, we recommend that the AUTHFILE values CLIENT COMPUTER, CLIENT USERNAME and SERVER USERNAME be set to '*' and the value PASSWORD REQUIRED be set to 'N'.

Running the Warehouse Server on MPE/iX

The Warehouse Server program on MPE/iX is named WHSERV and resides by default in the group WHII.TAURUS.

1. Be sure that the Warehouse installation has been validated before launching the Warehouse Server job.


Running the Warehouse Server Job Stream

On MPE/iX, the Warehouse Server is typically run as a job stream. There is a sample job stream called JWHSERVR supplied with the installation.

The Warehouse Server program cannot be run directly after installation because it must reside in a group with PM (Privileged Mode) capability. PM capability is required by Warehouse to perform the user password checking and login that is done when the Warehouse Server handles a remote connection. You may solve this problem one of two ways. You may either add PM capability to the WHII.TAURUS group and account using:


in which case the server job could look as follows:


Alternatively, you may copy the server program to a group that has PM capability, such as PUB.SYS. If you copy the server program, you must set the variable WHHOME to point back to the original group before running the server program. The WHHOME variable allows Warehouse to find the files necessary to run. Use SETVAR to set WHHOME to the fully qualified group name of the location of the Warehouse files and place an at sign (@) where the file name would normally go. Please note that the following Job card would require either or both the MANAGER.SYS GROUP and ACCOUNT passwords if not streamed under a MANAGER.SYS logon. For example:


Stopping the Warehouse Server on MPE/iX

The Warehouse Server job is stopped with the ABORTJOB command. For example:


Please make sure that there is no Warehouse activity before stopping the Warehouse Server job.


Warehouse Installation on Unix/Linux (web download)

On Unix the Warehouse distribution is downloaded as a compressed tar file. All Warehouse files are installed into a subdirectory named taurus/whii below the current working directory. To install Warehouse on Unix, proceed as follows:

1. Login to your Unix system.

2. If transferring the software distribution from another system, use binary transfer mode.

3. Transfer or copy the distribution to the directory where you wish the Warehouse files be installed : usually selected is a globally-accessible directory such as /usr/local or /opt.

4. If the Warehouse distribution has a tar.gz suffix, use gzip or gunzip to restore the tar file; if it has a tar.Z suffix, use uncompress to restore it.

5. Untar the distribution : Warehouse files will be be placed in the subdirectory taurus/whii.

6. After the Warehouse files have been restored, the Warehouse program must be validated.

7. After the Warehouse files have been restored, the distribution tar file can be removed.

Unix Installation Considerations

Certain browsers with certain settings will preemptively change the tar.Z or tar.gz suffix of the download package to a tar.tar suffix. If this happens to you, enclose the distribution package name in double quotes when performing the Save As operation.

When Warehouse is installed, the installation login user becomes the creator of all the Warehouse files.

Warehouse Installation on Unix/Linux (tape)

The tape restore steps are :

1. Insert the Warehouse tape into the tape drive connected to your system if installing from DAT media.

2. Change directory using cd to the directory you wish the Warehouse files be installed : cd /usr/local

3. Restore the Warehouse files using the device name of your tape drive : tar xf /dev/rmt/0m.

4. Proceed with steps 4 through 7 listed in the web download instructions above.

Running the Warehouse Client on Unix/Linux

The Warehouse Client program on Unix/Linux is usually named warehouse. The Solaris release of Warehouse comes with multiple Clients, see the README file for the one you want to use. The Warehouse Client is the tool used to re-validate the Warehouse installation :

$ warehouse –v

For demo validation please select option 1 from the menu and enter your temporary code. For further information on validation, please click here or else consult the Warehouse Reference Manual.

The Warehouse Client can also be used to create and update the Warehouse AUTHFILE :

$ warehouse -a

Since tuning the AUTHFILE is often an iterative process and your objective is to first get the software up and running, we recommend that the AUTHFILE values CLIENT COMPUTER, CLIENT USERNAME and SERVER USERNAME be set to '*' and the value PASSWORD REQUIRED be set to 'N'.

Running the Warehouse Server on Unix/Linux

The Warehouse Server program file is named whserv . The Warehouse Server must run as root to allow it to change the Client login. To enable the Warehouse Server, login as root (or use the su command) and add the s permission to the Warehouse Server program as follows:

1.. Login as root (or use su)

2. Change to the Warehouse directory:
# cd /usr/local/taurus/whii

3. Change the Warehouse Server owner to root ( uid:gid must be 0:0 ) :
# chown root:sys whserv
or on Linux
# chown root:root whserv 

4. Change the setuid bit to run as root:
# chmod +s whserv

5. Make sure that your Warehouse installation has been properly validated.

6. launch the server as a daemon using nohup : # nohup /usr/local/taurus/whii/whserv &

The Warehouse Server is now running and capable of servicing Warehouse or Studio Client requests.

Stopping the Warehouse Server Daemon on Unix

The Warehouse Server job is stopped with the kill command using the pid of the Warehouse Server process. The pid can be found using the ps -aef command (or comparable). Often the ps command is piped to grep to search for the whserv daemon. The process will be running under root. For example:

# ps -aef | grep whserv
    root  1113     1  0   Jul 19 ?        0:00 /users/whii/inhouse/whserv
# kill 1113

Please make sure that there is no Warehouse activity before stopping the Warehouse Server daemon.




Warehouse Installation on Windows  (web download)

The Warehouse distribution for Windows is downloaded as a zip file. To install Warehouse on Windows, proceed as follows:

1. Logon to your Windows NT system as Administrator.

2. Unzip the web download to a temporary directory.

3. Run the installation program setup.exe .

4. This program guides you through installation of the Warehouse files. By default, the Warehouse files are restored into the Program Files directory C:\Program Files\Taurus\Warehouse.

5. After the Warehouse files have been restored, the Warehouse program must be validated. 

6. After the Warehouse files have been restored, the distribution zip file can be deleted.


Warehouse Installation on Windows  (floppy disks)

Alternatively,  the Warehouse software can be installed from floppy disks.

1. Logon to your Windows NT system as Administrator.

2. Insert the Warehouse diskette into the disk drive.

3. Proceed with steps 3 through 5 listed in the web download instructions above..

Running the Warehouse Client on Windows 

The Warehouse Client program on Windows is named wh.exe and resides in the directory where Warehouse is installed. The Warehouse Client is the tool used to validate the Warehouse installation from the DOS prompt :

C:\Program Files\Taurus\Warehouse> wh.exe –v

For demo validation please select option 1 from the menu and enter your temporary code. For further information on validation, please click here or else consult the Warehouse Reference Manual.

The Warehouse Client can also be used to create and update the Warehouse AUTHFILE :

C:\Program Files\Taurus\Warehouse> wh.exe -a

Since tuning the AUTHFILE is often an iterative process and your objective is to first get the software up and running, we recommend that the AUTHFILE values CLIENT COMPUTER, CLIENT USERNAME and SERVER USERNAME be set to '*' and the value PASSWORD REQUIRED be set to 'N'.

Running the Warehouse Server on Windows 

Before the Warehouse Server program can be used, it must be set up as a Service. Provided in the Warehouse distribution is the program instsrv.exe that installs (and uninstalls) the Warehouse Service. The Warehouse Service executable is named whstart.exe . After the Warehouse service has been installed, the Service must be started using the Services control panel. Once the Warehouse service has been started, inbound connections can be received from Studio or from Warehouse Client processes.

1. Login to your Windows NT system as Administrator.

2. Install the Warehouse service by opening the Install Warehouse Service icon located in the Warehouse folder. On Windows NT 4.0, the Warehouse folder is accessed with START | PROGRAMS | Warehouse.

Alternatively, you may install the Warehouse service by running the instsrv program with the parameters Warehouse and the fully qualified name of the whstart.exe program. For example:

 C:\>instsrv.exe Warehouse "c:\Program Files\Taurus\Warehouse\WhStart.exe"

3. Make sure that your Warehouse installation has been properly validated.

4. Open the Services control panel. If the Warehouse was installed correctly, you should see the Warehouse service listed near the bottom. Right-click on the Warehouse entry and select Start. The Warehouse service will then remain running until the system is shut down. Alternatively you can enter NET START WAREHOUSE at the DOS Command line.

5. If you wish the Warehouse service to be started automatically at system startup, right-click on the Warehouse entry, select Properties, and change the Startup Type to Automatic.

6. Warehouse is now ready to accept connections, but users are required to have the "Log on as a service" user right to connect to Warehouse. How to give a user this right is explained below.


Adding the "Log on as a service" user right on XP/Windows 2000/2003/2005

Before Warehouse or Studio Clients may connect to a Windows 2000 Warehouse Server program, users must be given the "Log on as a service" user right. This is done as follows:

1. Run the Windows 2000 Microsoft Management Console program Local Security Policy. (Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Local Security Policy) You may need to install security policy this snap-in. To do this run MMC.EXE from the Start | Run menu, then choose Add/Remove Snap-in… from the Console menu and install the Local Computer Policy snap-in.

2. Once the security policy editor is running expand Local Policies by clicking the + and then click on User Rights Assignment. This should give you a list of user rights.

3. Double-click on Log on as a service. This should bring up a window that shows which users have the Log on as a service right.

4. Click on Add… to the give Log on as a service to selected users and groups.

5. A new dialog box is displayed showing available users and groups.

6. Select a user or group that you wish to allow access with Warehouse, then click on the Add… button. Repeat this process until you have added all users and groups that will access this system via the Warehouse Server.

7. Click OK to return to the Local Security Policy Setting dialog box.

8. Click OK again to return to the main program window and then exit by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the window.         

Adding the "Log on as a service" user right on Windows NT 4

Before Warehouse or Studio Clients may connect to a Windows NT 4 Warehouse Server program, users must be given the "Log on as a service" user right. This is done as follows:

1. Run the Windows NT program User Manager for Domains. (Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (Common) | User Manager)

2. From the Policies menu, select User Rights....

3. Check the Show Advanced Rights box in the lower left.

4. Click the down arrow on the Right combo box and use the scroll bar to find and click on Log on as a service.

5. While Log on as a service is displayed as the Right, click on the Add... button.

6. A new dialog box is displayed that is used to grant the new user right to users and groups. Click on the Show users button to display users as well as groups.

7. Select a user or group that you wish to allow access with Warehouse, then click on the Add button. Repeat this process until you have added all users and groups that will access this system via the Warehouse Server.

8. Click OK to return to the User Rights Policy dialog box.

9. Click OK again to return to the main program window and then exit.

Stopping the Warehouse Server on Windows 

The Warehouse Server is stopped using the Services control panel. Open the Services control panel. If the status of the Warehouse Serice reads Started, right-click on the Warehouse entry and select Stop. Alternatively you can issue the command NET STOP WAREHOUSE from the DOS Command line interface.

Please make sure that there is no Warehouse activity before stopping the Warehouse Service.

Uninstalling Warehouse on Windows 

If for any reason you wish to remove Warehouse from your system, perform the following steps:

1. Make certain that no users are accessing Warehouse, check the Task Manager->Processes to ensure that no whserv.exe or wh.exe processes are running..

2. Make certain the Warehouse service is stopped. To do this open the Services control panel. You should see the Warehouse service listed near the bottom. Right-click on the Warehouse entery  and then select Stop. 

3. Uninstall the Warehouse Service by opening the Uninstall Warehouse Service icon located in the Warehouse folder.

Alternatively you can uninstall the Warehouse service by running the instsrv.exe program with the parameters Warehouse and remove. For example:

C:\>instsrv.exe Warehouse remove

4. Open the Add/Remove Programs control panel. You should see Warehouse listed near the bottom. Highlight Warehouse by clicking on it. Click on the Add/Remove button.

5. When you are asked if you want to remove it, click on Yes. The uninstall program is run and the Warehouse installation is removed from your system.




Validation is the operation that allows an instance of Warehouse or Studio to run.


There are two types of validation, demonstration and production. A demonstration validation is temporary, usually issued for some number of weeks. A production validation is permanent and does not expire unless the system attributes change. Both validation types permit an instance of Warehouse to run in full-function mode.


When Warehouse or Studio is first installed on a system, it requires a demonstration validation code in order to run. This code is provided by your Taurus Support representative. When the software license has been purchased, the installation can then be validated for production. Sometimes an installation is issued  a demonstration validation extension, in which case that installation would be re-validated with a new demonstration code. Both demonstration and production validation are explained below, for both Warehouse and for Studio.


Please note that neither demonstration nor production validation will delete any existing installation settings that you may have configured, including your AUTHFILE, nor affect any scripts that you have written.



Warehouse Validation


In order to enter the demonstration code, you will need to run the Warehouse client that you installed with the validation parameter, -v. This parameter will cause Warehouse to enter into a special validation mode and display the following menu.


A Windows example of demonstration validation :


C:\Program Files\Taurus\Warehouse> wh.exe -v

Warehouse 3.02.1591-W (c) Taurus Software, Inc. 2006


 * Warehouse Validate Menu *


  Enter 0 to Exit

        1 for Demonstration Validation

        2 for Production Validation


Enter your selection ->1

Please enter demonstration validation code ->D96A-4EFB-82B5-1C56-CCBC

This version of Warehouse expires on 01-NOV-2006

Your Warehouse production return code is: 109-728-264-7



You then enter 1 for demonstration validation, and then enter the demonstration code, in this case D96A-4EFB-82B5-1C56-CCBC. Provided that the code has not lapsed, the Warehouse installation will be validated and display the expiration date and the production return code unique to this installation.


Remember when installing validation codes that you must be the owner of the Warehouse files and have write permissions to the Warehouse directory.



The production return code is not the validation code. When the Warehouse instance is to be production validated, please call Taurus Support with your production return code. To obtain this code, simply run the Warehouse Client with the -v parameter and then exit the Client by entering 0. In the Client banner lines you will see information specifying expiration date of your Warehouse installation and its unique validation code.


The production return code is 109-728-264-7 in this example. The Support rep upon receipt of this code will reply to you with another number, the production validation code : C568-AC22-C702-F7C8-0243 in the example shown below. This time you will run the Warehouse Client and enter 2 for production validation, followed by the unique production validation code and your company name. You will now be production validated.


A Windows example of production validation :


C:\Program Files\Taurus\Warehouse> wh.exe -v

Warehouse 3.02.1591-W (c) Taurus Software, Inc. 2006

This version of Warehouse expires on 01-NOV-2006

Your Warehouse production return code is: 109-728-264-7


 * Warehouse Validate Menu *


  Enter 0 to Exit

        1 for Demonstration Validation

        2 for Production Validation


Enter your selection ->2

Please enter production validation code ->C568-AC22-C702-F7C8-0243

Please enter the name of your company   ->AGX Reference Press

Your company name is: AGX Reference Press

Is this correct? y


Taurus Software thanks you for your purchase of Warehouse.

Installed for: AGX Reference Press



Studio Validation


The first time you run a newly-installed Studio, you will be prompted for a demonstration code. Simply enter this code and the software will be activated.


The production return code can be located from within Studio in the Validation menu pop-up :

Help->Databridger Studio Validation


When you have subsequently received a production code, please enter in the Validation menu pop-up.


Should you need to enter a new demonstration code, please enter it in the same manner.



After entering the production code to Warehouse or Studio, you will be  asked to enter your company name. Enter the name of your company. Note that Warehouse requires the company name to be at least 10 characters in length. If your company name is less than 10 characters long, you may add additional characters to bring it up the minimum. For example, if you company name is ACME, you may enter '***ACME***' as your company name.



Checking Warehouse Server Connections

Once a Warehouse Server program is set up and running, you may wish to verify the connection from a Client. This can be done by running the Warehouse Client program with the -c (or -connect) option. To check a connection to a Warehouse server, perform the following steps (using the Warehouse Windows Client as an example) :

Step 1
Run the Warehouse Client program with the -c option, for example using a Warehouse Client on Windows :
wh.exe -c

Step 2 Basic Connectivity Check
Enter the name or IP address of the system (<ENTER> exits program):
Enter name or IP address of server -> mysys

Step 3
Do not enter a user name when prompted; press <ENTER> instead. If a user name is entered, login verification is performed and this step should be done later.
Enter user name on server (Optional) -><ENTER>

At this point Warehouse will verify your network connection. If you cannot connect to the remote Warehouse Server, then either the Warehouse Server is not running on the remote system or you have a network problem. The error message should help diagnose the problem. If successful, this test tells you that you can connect to the remote Warehouse server.

Step 4 Verifying Login Check
If the connection test passed, re-enter the name of the system when prompted.
Enter name or IP address of server ->mysys

Step 5
Enter the system user name you plan to use :
Enter user name on server (Optional) -> whuser

Step 6
Enter the password of that user:
Enter password ->userpw

Step 7
Do not enter a database type when prompted; press <ENTER> instead. If a database type is entered, database access validation is done and this step should be performed later.
Enter remote database type (optional) -><ENTER>

At this point Warehouse verifies both your network connection and your user access capability. If this step is successful you should be able to open remote connections to access remote databases and files from a Warehouse script. If this step fails, but step 3 succeeded, you may have entered something incorrectly. Check your user name and password and verify that the if you are using the AUTHFILE that it allows access to your user from your client system. If the Warehouse Server is running on Windows, make certain the user name you entered has the "Log on as a service" user right.

Step 8 Verifying Database Access Check
Once the remote system connection and login has been verified, the database connection may be verified. To verify the database connection, reenter the information entered in steps 5-7, then enter the type of the remote database. The type is case insensitive and must be either ALLBASE, ARCHIVE, CSV, DB2, FIXED, IMAGE, ODBC, ORACLE, or TEXT. For example:
Enter name or IP address of server -> mysys
Enter user name on server (Optional) -> whuser
Enter password ->userpw
Enter remote database type (optional) ->oracle

Step 9
When prompted, enter the parameters specific to the type of database. For example:
Enter Oracle user name -> scott
Enter Oracle user password -> tiger
Enter Oracle SID -> ora92010
Enter Oracle HOME -> /u01/app/oracle/product/  

Step 10
At this point Warehouse verifies your remote database connection. If this step fails, you may have entered something incorrectly or you may not have access to the database from the login user.

If the remote database connection was successful, an OPEN statement is displayed that shows encrypted passwords and can be used to open remote connections in Warehouse scripts. This OPEN statement can be cut and pasted into scripts that need to open this database. For example

OPEN dbtag REMOTE mysys USER=whuser &
    EPASS1=f7d6ac4e5f72d2c60734ca5364272abddce &
    oracle scott SID=ora92010 HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/  &


Warehouse Client-Server Overview

Warehouse Client

The Warehouse Client program is the program that is run by users and processes Warehouse scripts. When the Warehouse Client program is run it may be given options and a script file name on the command line. When a script file name is on the command line Warehouse processes the script file like the XEQ command. The Warehouse Client program may be run with the following command line options (case insensitive):

Client Options (partial list)

-authfile : interactive, causes Warehouse to enter a special mode for maintaining the AUTHFILE. -authfile may be abbreviated as -a.

-connect : interactive, causes Warehouse to enter a special mode for checking Warehouse server connections. -connect may be abbreviated as -c.

-nostats : causes statistics to be suppressed after the script has completed. Using -nostats in the command line has the same effect as putting SET STATS OFF in the script.

-pause : causes Warehouse to prompt the user to press ENTER before exiting. This can be useful in a Windows environment where the window is closed after Warehouse exits. -pause may be abbreviated as -p.

-serverinfo : interactive, displays a remote Warehouse Server's operating environment and exits.

-showinfo : displays the local Warehouse's operating environment and exits.

-showversion : displays the version number of the program and exits. This option can be used to verify the Warehouse Client program can be run.

-start : causes the Warehouse banner to be suppressed and when run with a script file name, the script is processed without displaying the lines just like the START statement.

-validate : interactive, causes Warehouse to display a menu for validating Warehouse. This is typically done by the system administrator as part of an installation or upgrade. -validate may be abbreviated as -v.

Example 1

/usr/local/taurus/whii/warehouse myscript
This example runs the Warehouse Client (Unix)  that processes the Warehouse script file myscript.

Example 2

This example runs the Warehouse Client on MPE/iX using the -nostats and -start options which suppress the Warehouse banner, statistics and display of the script file MYSCRIPT as it is processed.

Example 3

C:\Program Files\Taurus\Warehouse\wh.exe -showinfo
This example runs the Warehouse Client on Windows using the -showinfo option causing Warehouse to display the local operating environement.

Warehouse Server

The Warehouse Server program is a program that runs in the background and receives connections from Warehouse Clients when they connect to a REMOTE database. The server program must run with privileges that allow it to change login to the user connection. For security reasons a file called the AUTHFILE is set up by the system administrator and is consulted by the Warehouse Server to determine whether connections can be allowed. The Warehouse Server program may be run with the following command line options (case insensitive):

Server Options (partial list)

-port n  :  causes the Warehouse Server to receive connections on port n instead of the standard Warehouse port 1610. For a Warehouse Client to connect to a port other than the default port (1610), the port number must be specified after the system name using a colon separator in the OPEN statement. Note that the mechanism for defining an alternate listening port is different under Windows, see the Warehouse Release Notes for details.

Example 1

nohup /usr/local/taurus/whii/whserv -port 32400 &
This example the Warehouse Server on Unix nohup as a background process using the -port option causing it to listen for Warehouse or Studio Client connections on port 32400.


Warehouse Client/Server Process Architecture

The original Warehouse Server that was lauched as a Job (MPE), or as a daemon  (Unix), or as a Service (Windows) listens on the default port unless otherwise specified. The Server will launch a copy of itself for every remote connection request it receives from a Warehouse or Studio Client. The Server then hands off the connection associated with this Client request to the newly-launched Server child process. The child process transacts with the remote Client and terminates when that Client closes the connection.



Additional References

The instructions for installing Warehouse are largely excerpted from the Warehouse Reference Manual. The Warehouse Manual is the final authority on the product and a .pdf version can be found at http://www.taurus.com/self-serve/downloads.html .

The Studio product's Online Help provides the complete reference for the Studio product.

The Warehouse FAQ, found at http://www.taurus.com/support/faq.htm , contains additional Warehouse and Studio information.

The Studio and Warehouse Release notes, found at http://www.taurus.com/support/releasenotes.htm , contain product update information.


Document revised: December 17, 2008


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