Taurus Software

DataBridger Studio Version 4.2.400200
(Accompany Warehouse Release 3.01.2160)

Release Notes


SR/SF CASE Description
6734/747 Added reordering to propQ targets
6842/754 Add options to hide system tables from relational data sources

Bug Fixes

SR/SF CASE Description
6657/738 Ensure that a failed REMOTE COPY does not have its _Q row status changed to SUCCESS
6694/741 Fixed Studio not generating all insert scripts for BW scripts correctly
7056/767 Fixed memory reference abort when closing LD without defining common key
6727/745 Fixed adding mapping with same source to drag/drop prop queue generates error
6835/759 Fixed prop queue, column in target table not being updated when verify update is checked
7057/768 Fixed delete expression in Expression Builder not reflected in grid layout
6929/760 Fixed macro/reference/functions toggle incorrectly
6930/761 Fixed macro/reference/functions toggle not persistent
  Fixed remove hidden functions from one pane removed all hidden functions