Taurus Software

DataBridger Studio Version 4.3.090200
(Accompany Warehouse Release 3.01.2310)

Release Notes


SR/SF CASE Description
  Included newly available Warehouse functions: REPLACE, ISNUMP, NUMP
  Add Xoffset to format such that users can specify their own offset.
7301/781 Create PQ trigger in specified source schema

Bug Fixes

SR/SF CASE Description
7128/769 Fixed local Oracle data source dialog box (Edit) does not close when OK is clicked
7198/771 Warehouse Fix: A problem reading Oracle databases with a condition containing an AND where one side of the AND contains a Warehouse function and the other side does not
7448/783 Studio truncates CSV display at 1024 despite specifying 4096
  Disable data source preventing other data source from showing up in select data source dialog
  Fixed empty line in VMP import csv file causes missing name.
  Altered table name check so that sys.xxx and scott.xxx are used in table name patter match.