Taurus Software

DataBridger Studio Version 4.6.316500
(Accompany Warehouse Release 3.02.4410)

Release Notes



SF/SR CASE Description
  Indexes are now displayed for all tables and managed through virtual mappings. This feature requires Warehouse version 3.02.4400 or greater. Indexes may be added to a virtual mapping in the mapping grid. To create a table with those indexes or add indexes to an existing table, drag the virtual mapping to the database. To delete indexes from an existing table, select the table and press the delete key. The SQL dialog box is displayed, asking which items to delete.
  Configurations permit more than one set of data sources to be accessed. For example, if you have a set of test data sources and a set of production data sources, you can create a configuration for testing and a configuration for production. To manage configurations, right click on the repository name at the top of the tree view.
  An enhanced SQL dialog box allows specification of which SQL statements are executed when SQL statements are to be performed. The dialog box automatically checks to see which SQL statements are appropriate. For example, to add indexes to an existing table, add the indexes in the virtual mapping for the table, then drag the virtual mapping to the database. The SQL dialog box will show that the CREATE INDEX statement will be executed, but not the CREATE TABLE statement.

Bug Fixes
SF/SR CASE Description
  Many changes for upper/lower case issues for table names.
  Fixed import from virtual mapping grid.
11157/874 Fixed unable to right-click Create Table from a VM
11892 Fixed _[ columns not being shown as used in mapping
11408/878 Display data where VM Target Field names are mixed-case
11549/879 Change PQ script status to "NOCLRECS" when no CL rows
11719/882 Fixed Load Mapping name creation be consistent
11724/881 Fixed LM creation auto-select target
11812 Fixed Studio abort in import in VMP
12075 Fixed export vm doesn't fill in file name when no source