Taurus Software

DataBridger Studio Version 5.0.059500

(Accompany Warehouse Release 3.02.8100)

Release Notes


Bug Fixes

SF/SR CASE Description
  Added option to retry failed jobs up to three times in job scheduling dialog.
21506 Fixed help text for profiling items.
21734 Fixed scripts/jobs using more than one configuration.
21784 Fixed database compare with virtual mapping when virtual mapping has blank column names (comments).
21342 Job control dialog now shows Start/end dates instead of init/scheduled dates.
  Increased number of entries in choose repository dialog to 20 from 9.
  Double-click in configuration dialog activates configuration..
21885 Fixed Verify load mapping when mapping FOR indexes.
  Can now add all scripts in load script folder to job control by right-clicking on folder.
21985 Fixed problem with updating references when importing macros that call other macros not yet in the repository.
22006 Display message instead of blank screen in data view of SQL aggregation mapping.
  Fixed problem a problem with parentheses with the DIVF operator when used in a SQL mapping.
  Bugs fixes with complex SQL mappings.
  Don't show comment lines when creating data profile.
22558 Update queue status on unsuccessfully propagated rows for propagation queue script when "Delete successfully propagated records" is checked.