Taurus Software
Ecomedate Release 11/28/2006
File Name | Change Date | Case Number | Description | Affected Field |
01_SETUP\Setup Queue 20061110\SETUP Queue 20061110.xls | 11/7/2006 | 9002 | Modified column name from desc to wh_desc | 01i_warehouse_mast |
01_SETUP\Setup Queue 20061110\SETUP Queue 20061110.xls | 11/10/2006 | 9065 | Changed table name for meta data | 01b_style_header |
01_SETUP\Setup Queue 20061110\SETUP Queue 20061110.xls | 11/13/2006 | 9076 | Removed meta data columns | 01d_vend_ord_tel_fax |
03_OFFER\offer queue 20061026\Offers Queue 20061026.xls | 10/23/2006 | 8880 | change FOP_TYP_LGCY_CD to "OA" for open account orders | 03b_SOURCES_FOP_TOT3 |
04_CUST\Customer Queue 20061115\Customer Queue 20061115.xls | 11/13/2006 | 9077 | Changed meta data business table name | 04i_credit_approval |
04_CUST\Customer Queue 20061115\Customer Queue 20061115.xls | 11/15/2006 | 9100 | Corrected mapping to reference home phone fields | 04d_cust_tel_night_phone |
05_CSTX\CSTX Queue 20061116\CSTX Queue 20061116.xls | 11/7/2006 | 9905 | Correction selection criteria for _oth mapping | 05a_cust_oth |
05_CSTX\CSTX Queue 20061116\CSTX Queue 20061116.xls | 11/16/2006 | 8764 | Add third-party dataset to Ecomedate | 05b_third_party |
06_ORD\Order Queue 20061109\Order Queue 20061109.xls | 11/9/2006 | 6831 | Add meta data columns to mappings | 06a_or_601_order_header, 06a_or_700_order_header, 06a_order_header, 06b_order_sub_head, 06b_sales_ord_lines, 06c_customization, 06c_customization_source, 06d_cust_ord_xref, 06d_dbcr_doc_xref, 06d_sales_ord_acct_inst, 06d_sales_ord_cc_inst, 06d_sales_ord_p |
07_ORDS\ORDS Queue 20061110\ORDS Queue 20061110.xls | 11/10/2006 | 6831 | Add meta data columns | 07a_sales_oh_additions, 07b_sales_ord_comm, 07b_sales_ord_comm_s_to, 07b_sales_ord_comm_sment, 07c_service_track, 07c_service_trk_alt_cust, 07c_service_trk_ord, 07c_service_trk_res, 07d_gift_cards, 07d_gift_certs, 07d_gifts_coups, 07e_ar_comments |
09_ORDO\ORDO 20061116\ORDO Queue 20061116.xls | 11/16/2006 | 9090 | change criteria to include open and closed RAs; add OPEN_RA_IND field and populate with Y/N to indicate if the RA is open | 09d_return_auth |
12_FIN\FIN 20061030\Financial Order Object 20061030.xls | 10/16/2006 | 8801 | Correct selection criteria Add the following to the selection criteria in inventory: STR(FINANCIAL-ORDER_R.BIG-STATUS, 3, 2) <> "46" AND & STR(FINANCIAL-ORDER_R.BIG-STATUS, 3, 2) <> "47" AND STR(FINANCIAL-ORDER_R.BIG-STATUS, 3, 2) <> "48" and include in ship and ship_amt | 12a_ft_inv_trans, 12a_ft_inv_trans_amt, 12a_ft_ship, 12a_ft_ship_amt |
12_FIN\FIN 20061030\Financial Order Object 20061030.xls | 10/20/2006 | 8871 | Remove all b_ fields from all ft_ tables | 12a_ft_cust, 12a_ft_cust_amt, 12a_ft_sales_ord, 12a_ft_sales_ord_amt, 12a_ft_inv_trans, 12a_ft_inv_trans_amt, 12a_ft_ship, 12a_ship_amt, 12a_ship_to, 12a_ship_to_amt, 12a_ft_doc, 12a_ft_doc_amt |
12_FIN\FIN 20061030\Financial Order Object 20061030.xls | 10/20/2006 | 8872 | Add DOC_TYPE_LGCY_CD to FT_DOC_AMT | 12a_ft_doc_amt |
12_FIN\FIN 20061030\Financial Order Object 20061030.xls | 10/26/2006 | 8896 | Add transaction codes 81,82,83 to mappings | 12a_ft_inv_trans, 12a_ft_inv_trans_amt |
12_FIN\FIN 20061030\Financial Order Object 20061030.xls | 10/26/2006 | 8896 | Exclude transaction codes 81,82,83 from table | 12a_ft_ship, 12a_ft_ship_amt |