Warehouse Release 3.02.3800



The features in the 3.02.3800 release are:



. KSAM file support for updates and deletes has been added on MPE. 

On prior releases, KSAM  files could be read or written, but users could not update or delete records and KSAM keys were not used by the READ statement   to quickly find records.  These features are now supported.   The READ statement uses KSAM keys to quickly find records and   records may now be deleted and udpated.  To delete or update   records from a KSAM file, the file must be opened with UPDATE   access.  (See below).


 All three types of KSAM are supported (CM KSAM, KSAMXL,  KSAM64), but one internal test on CM KSAM files returns  "KSAM INTERNAL ERROR  (FSERR 175)"  This happens only with  CM KSAM files and on only one of many tests that delete records  It is not known whether this is actually KSAM problem or a  Warehouse problem and if it is a KSAM problem whether HP has  fixed it in later releases on MPE.  If this becomes an issue  for customers, we will investigate this further.  In the meantime,  it is recommended not to use CM KSAM files, if possible.



. File access mode specification has been reworked for file access. 


The MODE= parameter of OPEN and CREATE for CSV, FIXED and TEXT  files has been deprecated and the following parameters have been  added:


    READ        Read access to file.


    WRITE       Write access to file.  ERASE or READ must be specified with WRITE.  (On MPE systems, WRITE may be specified without ERASE or READ.)


    APPEND      Append access to file.  WRITE or ERASE not permitted  with APPEND access.


    BINARY      File contains BINARY data.  Implementation of this parameter depends on the operating system.  It is  recommended whenever accessing a file with binary data.


    ERASE       Erases contents of file prior to access.  If ERASE is specified, file is not required to already exist. If erase is not specified, file is required to already exist.


    COMMIT      (Windows only.) Contents of the file buffer are written directly to disk when fflush() is called.


    VAR         (MPE only) Do not internally buffer records.  Assume each read and write is consists of one record.  This is necessary to read variable length records.


    EXCLUSIVE   (MPE and Warehouse message files only)  Access the file exclusively.


    SHARE       (MPE only) Access the file in shared mode.


    LOCK        (MPE only) Access the file with locking enabled.


    TRANS       Access the file in transaction protected mode.  Using TRANS allows COMMIT and ROLLBACK by keeping all file changes in memory buffers until a commit or rollback is done.  A commit writes the buffers  to disk, and a rollback discards the buffers.


    MSG         File is message file.  On MPE systems, this is an MPE message file.  On other platforms, this is a Warehouse message file.


    NDR         File is an MPE message file to be read with non-destructive reads.  On MPE, specifying NDR implies MSG too.


    CLIB        (MPE only) Use C library instead of MPE intrinsic calls to access files.


    UPDATE      (MPE only) Access the file with update access.  Use of UPDATE is necessary to delete or update KSAM files.


    The following shows equivalent file access modes between the old MODE= parameter and the new keywords:


        MODE=           Keywords

        -----           --------

        MODE=r         READ

        MODE=rb       READ BINARY

        MODE=r+       READ WRITE

        MODE=r+b     READ WRITE BINARY

        MODE=w        WRITE ERASE

        MODE=w+      READ WRITE ERASE


        MODE=vr         READ VAR  (MPE only)


  To maintain compatibility with existing scripts, the MODE= parameter  continues to work as always.



Release 3.02.3800 is available now on all supported platforms.

