Warehouse Release 3.02.3940



The features in the 3.02.3940 release are:


. Native support for Linux Itanium systems has been added. 

  The OS  identifier (last character) in the version number of Warehouse

  indicates one of the following:


    F -  Hewlett-Packard HP-UX PA RISC 2.0 (Oracle dynamically linked)

    G -  Hewlett-Packard HP-UX Itanium (Oracle dynamically linked)

    H -  Hewlett-Packard HP-UX PA RISC 1.1 (Oracle statically linked)

    L -  Red Hat Linux x86 (32-bit)

    M -  Hewlett-Packard 3000 MPE/iX operating system.

    R -  IBM RS6000 system running AIX

    S -  Sun Microsystems system running SunOS/Solaris

    T -  Debian Linux ia64 (64-bit)

    U -  Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

    W -  Microsoft Windows/Windows NT operating system. (32-bit)



. Fixed a problem introduced in release 3.02.3800 when using

  MODE=a with a FIXED or TEXT file.  


. Fixed a problem introduced in release 3.02.3800 where the COPY

  parameter of the OPEN statement was ignored when opening a

  message file.



. Fixed a problem with long passwords on trusted HP-UX systems. 

  HP-UX handled this situation by inventing a new function for password

  encryption called bigcrypt(), however Warehouse only called crypt().

  Warehouse now calls bigcrypt() on HP-UX trusted systems to do

  password encryption.  (Case 10290)


. Fixed a problem with secondary groups when logging into a Unix (or

  Linux) system.  In previous releases, access to files based upon

  secondary groups was not possible because the secondary groups

  were not setup as part of the login process.  This has been





Release 3.02.3940 is available now on all supported platforms.

